Strategic Documents - Държавна агенция "Електронно управление"

Architecture of eGovernment in Bulgaria


The architecture of electronic government is an integral element of the implementation of the e-government policy, as defined in the Electronic Government Development Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Electronic Government Act. The main principle underlying and enabling the implementation is an efficient coordination between all stakeholders.


The architecture of electronic government in Bulgaria, approved by Order No DAEU-5040 of 11 April 2019 of the Head of the State eGovernment Agency, aims to achieve the following goals:


♦ Digital transformation of civil services

♦ Mandatory use of the horizontal systems and shared resources of e-government by the administrative bodies;

♦ Setting mechanisms for coordination and control of implementation of the architecture;

♦ The application of unified standards and the principle of interoperability in designing, building, further developing and implementing IT solutions;

♦ Determine the players in electronic government, their functions, the principles of e-government and the requirements for the system and technological architecture;

♦ Sustainable high level of network and information security;

♦ Data transformation into information and knowledge;

♦ Achieving a high level of trust on behalf of citizens and businesses.


Architecture of electronic government in Bulgaria


Strategy for the development of electronic government in Bulgaria 2014—2020


The Strategy for the development of electronic government in Bulgaria covers the development of four principal communication and service domains:


♦ Public administration — Citizens, which includes the latest internet and WEB-based solutions in combination with traditional means of ensuring wide access for qualitative changes in the communication conditions and providing services to citizens.

♦ Public administration — Businesses, which include advanced solutions to streamline processes and business relations between the various administrative bodies and economic operators.

Public administration—Public administration, which includes the development of information technologies at national and cross-border level with a view to ensuring effective interaction between the various administrative structures.

Internal institutional efficiency and effectiveness, which includes making arrangements for streamlining businesses processes, the relationship between administrative bodies and their employees, and communication within the individual administrative bodies.


Strategy on the Development of eGovernment in the Republic of Bulgaria for the period 2014-2020


Road map for the implementation of the Strategy for the development of electronic government in Bulgaria 2016—2020


The road map sets out the measures and activities to be performed with a view to achieving the strategic goals set in the Strategy for the development of electronic government in Bulgaria for the period 2014—2020, the responsible institutions and the funds necessary to achieve the goals set.


In carrying out the state policy in the fields referred to above, the Agency Chairperson shall perform the powers conferred on him pursuant to the Electronic Governance Act (EGA), the Electronic Identification Act (EIA), the Electronic Communications Act (ECA), and other acts or ordinances of the Council of Ministers.


Electronic Government Act


State e-Government Agency Annual Report  1 December 2016–31 December 2017